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A map of the Lycian Way that shows the route from Fethiye to Antalya

Hiking the Ruins Section on the Lycian Way

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A Lycian Way map of the route from Myra Ruins to the Alakilise Ruins to the Belos Ruins

Total Distance: 39km

This section is usually done over three stages and requires camping.

Section 1: Myra Ruins to Alakilise Ruins

First you will hike from the Myra Ruins to the Alakilise Ruins for 12.5km.

This section is considered difficult through the remote rugged mountain terain.

The way-finding in this section is very difficult, and it’s suggested you check your maps often.

You will pass through two villages along the way, Beloren and Zeytin. Both of these places have no accommodation but Beloren has a water fountain.

There are no reliable water sources from here all the way to Finike! It’s very important when hiking this section that you are well prepared because these sections are very remote.

There are many places to camp along this section, but there are long stretches with no camping so make sure you set up before dark. Many people choose to camp nearby the Alakilise ruins.

Due to the remoteness of these sections if you are ever running low on supplies hike to the nearest community or find a local shepherd, they are often very friendly and will help you!

Section 2: Alakilise Ruins to Belos Ruins Entrance

The next stage is to hike from the Alakilise Ruins to the Belos Ruins Entrance which is a very difficult section through the mountains for 17km.

You will pass through Yatikardic Yayla, a plateau popular with local shepherds and a good place for camping.

You want to be very careful on this section because it’s very common to get lost.

There are several water sources on this section, but they are often dried up or dirty.

There are numerous camping spots along this section.

You will often run into shepherds along this section of the trail, so make sure to say hello(merhaba)! They are all very welcoming

Section 3: Belos Ruins Entrance to Finike

A Lycian Way map that shows the route from the Belos Ruins to Finike

The next section is a moderate hike between the Belos Ruins Entrance to Finike for 10km.

This is a long continuous decline towards Finike.

There are several water sources, but they are often unreliable. It’s very important you bring your own water on this section! I can’t stress this enough.

There are several places to camp around this section, most people camp near the Belos Ruins.

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