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Category: Kyrgyzstan

  • 5 Reasons to Travel to Kyrgyzstan in 2023

    5 Reasons to Travel to Kyrgyzstan in 2023

    Discovering the Heart of Central Asia “What is Kyrgyzstan?” “Where is Kyrgyzstan?” “Is Kyrgyzstan a country? “”Wait, kygz….. what did you say?” These are the questions I got when I told my friends I booked my tickets to Kyrgyzstan. Yes, Kyrgyzstan is a country, and it’s dope. I won’t lie, I also hadn’t heard much… Read more

  • Discovering the Cultural Heart of Kyrgyzstan: Osh

    Discovering the Cultural Heart of Kyrgyzstan: Osh

    Osh is a city in southern Kygyzstan, nestled in the Fergana Valley. This city is steeped in history and culture. Osh is considered to be one of the oldest cities in Central Asia, dating back over 3,000 years. Today, Osh is a thriving city with stunning landscapes and lively street markets. Osh is nicknamed the… Read more