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The red Shangri-La resort in Skardu next to Lower Kachura Lake

Everything You Need to Know to Travel to Skardu, Pakistan

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If you’re an adventure seeker looking for a destination offering awe-inspiring natural landscapes and unique local culture, Skardu, Pakistan should be at the top of your bucket list. Skardu is hidden in the heart of the Karakoram mountain range, and it offers cuisine, culture, and landscape that you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about traveling to Skardu, Pakistan.

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All About Skardu

Skardu is a town in Gilgit-Baltistan, a region in the north of Pakistan that sits at the junction of the Indus and Shigar rivers. It is known for having some of the most unique high-altitude landscapes, such as the highest cold desert in the world at 2,438 meters.

Skardu is also known for having a unique culture and language, different from the rest of Pakistan. In this region, local languages are spoken in every city and it’s not rare to find yourself moving through many different language regions in a day. The cuisine is also very different from the traditional Pakistani dishes. Visiting the Gilgit-Baltistan region is like entering a completely different country.

In Skardu, people speak Balti, the local language that’s been passed down since the Tibetan Buddhists occupied this area 1400 years ago. The region has had many occupants since this time and therefore has many different religious artifacts and monuments. You can visit ancient Buddhist rock monuments or old Turkish mosques.

This region boasts some of the most unique natural landscapes in the world. To name only a few, some of the highest mountains in the world reside in Skardu such as K2(28,251ft, 2nd tallest), Nanga Parbat(26,660ft), Gasherbaum(26,470ft), and Masherbrum(25,659ft). There’s also the Sarfaranga Cold Desert, the world’s second-highest cold desert. You can ride dirt bikes or jeeps through the sand dunes while being surrounded by the Karakorum Mountain Range on one side and the Himalayan Mountain Range on the other. You can also visit some of the biggest glaciers in the world, Baltoro Glacier, Biafo Glacier, and Chogo Lungma. Nearby Skardu is Deosai National Park, the world’s second highest alpine plain. This national park is known for it’s incredible species of wild animals.

It’s not hard to see why Skardu is such a remarkable destination unlike any other in the world.

How to Get There

There are many ways to reach Skardu but the easiest way is by taking a flight from Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. There are daily flights from Islamabad to Skardu, and the journey takes around one hour. Another option is to take a road trip from Islamabad to Skardu, which takes around 22 hours.

The best option, and ultimately the most adventurous is to visit Skardu on a motorcycle.

A biker standing in front of Nanga Parbat Viewpoint in Pakistan
In front of Nanga Parbat

I spent last October riding a motorcycle through the entire northern region of Pakistan from Islamabad to the Chinese border. I had the absolute time of my life, and definitely recommend this option to people already familiar with riding a motorcycle. I’ve created a series on my youtube channel, if you’d like to follow along.

The roads in Gilgit-Baltistan are better than in any other district, mostly due to the construction of the Karakorum Highway-a Chinese-built road linking China to Pakistan’s coast. The traffic is a breeze compared to the busier areas of Pakistan and for this reason, it’s safe for foreigners to ride motorcycles here.

If you’d like to rent motorcycles, the easiest place to do this is in the city of Gilgit, a three-hour drive from Skardu. Don’t worry-the roads here are beautiful, and the best way to experience any place is with the wind in your hair and a 360 view.

Your best bet is to fly from any city to Gilgit. Here you can visit Karakorum Bikers and rent a motorcycle for as long as you plan to stay.

You can also watch my video about motorcycling through Skardu here.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Skardu is from April to October when the weather is mild and pleasant. During these months, the temperature ranges from 10°C to 25°C, and the skies are clear, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

The winter months are harsh and extreme in these regions. The snow, although beautiful, can often interfere with flights and road closures.

Transportation in Skardu

Once you’re in Skardu, you can rent a car, travel with a tour, or hire a private guide.

The attractions in Skardu aren’t within walking distance. You might find yourself spending hours in the car depending on where you want to go. There’s not much public transportation in Skardu, so you’ll need to arrange your own transport.

There are many guides and tours, to book one contact me here. If you prefer to go on your own, you’ll need to rent a car, opt for a 4×4 vehicle if possible.

Places to Visit

Skardu has an overwhelming amount of natural landscapes to explore. The best way to access all this scenery is by car, motorcycle, or tour guide/group.

If you’re looking for a private tour, contact me here and I can set you up with some amazing Pakistani guides.

The different sites to see can be a few hour’s drive apart, and if you want to see it all I recommend renting your own car or motorcycle, or if you’d like to have a guide with you there are many different tour companies and groups that offer different options for tours.

Some of the many places to visit in Skardu, include:

K2 Base Camp

If you’re an experienced trekker, then K2 Base Camp should be on your bucket list. It is one of the most challenging treks in the world, and it offers stunning views of the world’s second-highest peak, K2.

To experience K2 Base Camp, you’ll need to book in advance with a tour company or guide. This trek is very treacherous, taking around 2-3 weeks there and back. Unless you’re an ultra-experienced trekker, don’t try to go this alone.

Unlike a lot of the other 8,000m+ mountains, you cannot see the peak of K2 from any viewpoint. If you want to get a glimpse of this epic mountain, you’ll need to go hiking with a guide.

Shigar Valley

A hiker standing on top of a sand dune in the Sarfaranga Desert in Pakistan
Sarfaranga Cold Dessert

Shigar Valley is known for its ancient forts and traditional wooden houses. You can take a stroll through the historic Shigar Fort.

You can also visit the Sarfaranga Cold Dessert in Shigar, just a short drive from the main city of Skardu. Here you can rent jeeps, dirt bikes, or four-wheelers and go exploring the sand dunes on your own. If you’re lucky you might even get to see one of the many jeep rallies held there. Learn more about the Jeep Rally here!

A foreigner and a Pakistani boat racer smiling together before the Sarfaranga Jeep Rally Traditional Boat Race
Making some friends at the traditional boat races at Blind Lake in Shigar Valley

Drive over to Blind Lake and jump in for a swim, or watch the traditional boat races.

You can also watch one of the traditional Polo matches that have held over from the times of English colonialism.

Check out my friends at One Season Restaurant, an excellent local food cafe that serves excellent Pakistani cuisine.

Dining at One Seasons Restaurant in Shigar, Pakistan
One Season Restaurant in Shigar Valley

Satpara Lake

The beautiful blue waters of Satpara Lake in Skardu, Pakistan
Satpara Lake

Satpara Lake is a crystal-clear lake nestled at the base of the giant Karakorum mountains. This lake is on the way to Deosai National Park from Skardu, so you’ll be able to see this if you plan to visit the National Park.

Here you can rent a boat and check out the water and surrounding mountains, or stop for a scenic lunch on the lake.

Deosai National Park

A signpost in front of Deosai National Park
The entrance to Deosai National Park: Stop here to enter the museum!

One of the coolest national parks I’ve been to in my life is Deosai National Park. Filled with epic views and stunning wildlife, this park is worth the few hour drive to the top of the western Himalayas.

Here you can go hiking, camping, or stay the night glamping in some of the comfortable tents available at Bara Pani river. You can also check out Sheosar Lake at the western end of the national park.

Two motorcycle riders smiling inside of Deosai National Park in Pakistan
A snowy day at Deosai National Park

Saling and Khaplu

A backpacker laughing in the Himalayan Mountains along the Indus River in Pakistan
Stopping along the road to Khaplu and Saling

A few hour drive outside of Skardu are the towns of Saling and Khaplu. These quiet villages are packed full of incredible views and rich history.

There are two incredible mosques in Khaplu: ThoqsiKhar Mosque and Chaqchan Mosque.

Chaqchan Mosque was built in 1370 when the entire populace was converting from Buddhism to Islam. This makes this mosque the first mosque in the region and because it was built during a cultural shift, the structure has Persian, Turkish, and Mughal architecture.

A backpacker smiling inside of Chaqchan Mosque in Khaplu, Pakistan
Chaqchan Mosque

Thoqsikhar mosque is a 700 year old mosque built on top of a mountain. A hike to this mosque is tiring but rewarding as you’ll be able to see a panoramic view of the Himalayan Mountain range and the beautiful valleys below.

When you’re in Khaplu you can also visit Khaplu Palace, a well-preserved fort that used to house the ancient raja of Khaplu.

A backpacker smiling in front of Khaplu Fort
Khaplu Palace

Saling is mostly known for its outdoor experiences. Here you can camp along the lake and hike through the surrounding mountains. There is a fish farm here serving amazing feasts.

Camping on the side of the Indus River in Saling, Pakistan
Camping on the Indus River in Saling

Saling is the doorway to Hushe Valley, a gorgeous valley surrounded by some of the highest mountains in the Karakorum mountain range: Masherbrum, Laila Peak, K6, and K7.

Personally, these two towns were some of my favorite places to visit in Pakistan. The drive alone from Skardu to Khaplu was the most beautiful ride I’d ever taken in my life. You can watch here on my youtube channel.

Manthal Buddha Rock

The Manthal Buddha Rock is an artifact you wouldn’t normally expect in Pakistan, but this highly coveted region has seen many religions and cultures conquer and fall throughout the years.

The Buddha rock dates back to the 8th century, and is located 3 kilometers from Sadpara Road in Skardu.

The rock features a carving of the Buddha, two Metreyias (future Buddhas), and twenty small Bodhisattvas (disciples).

Expect to pay a small entrance fee that helps pay for renovation and tourism to the area.

Shangri-La Resort

The red Shangri-La resort in Skardu next to Lower Kachura Lake
Shangri-la Resort and Restaurant

Shangri-La Resort is a beautiful hotel along the banks of a heart-shaped lake, Lower Kachura Lake. This must be the most stunning resort in Pakistan offering luxury rooms, dining, and tours.

This site is definitely worth a visit, if only for the amazing lakefront restaurant.

Be aware that you’ll have to pay an entrance fee at the gate.

A bass fish dinner at Shangri-La Resort in Skardu, Pakistan
The amazing Bass fish at Shangri-La Restaurant

Soq Valley

Soq Valley is a picturesque river valley located on the upper side of Kachura Lake. This was once a hidden retreat away from tourists, but now the area’s been discovered and is filled with camping, glamping and bungalow lodging.

The river originates from Deosai National Park, and is filled with trout. This fish is famous in Skardu, and many fishermen, tourists and locals, come to the Soq Valley hoping to catch fresh trout.

Careful on the road to Soq Valley. You’ll need to drive about one hour from Shangri-La Resort, and the roads are small and rocky. This terrain is best suited fora 4×4 vehicle.

Kachura Lakes

A traditional Pakistani boat floating on Upper Kachura Lake in Skardu
Upper Kachura Lake

There are two amazing lakes in Skardu: Upper and Lower Kachura Lakes. Lower Kachura lake is a heart-shaped lake located right next to the Shangri-La Resort. Upper Kachura Lake sits at a height of 2,500 meters.

At Upper Kachura Lake you can rent boats for a tour, enjoy trout, or rest at one of the many restaurants overlooking the scenery. You’ll be able to enjoy the views of snow-capped mountains from this high altitude lake.

Katpana Desert

Katpana Desert is the highest cold desert in the world at 2,226 meters above sea level. The white sand dunes are a wonder of the magnificent Katpana Desert, and make a great backdrop for photos.

During the winter, the sand dunes are often covered in snow.

The fascinating landscape makes it a great place for tourists.

Manthokha Waterfall

A picture of Manthokha Waterfall in Skardu, Pakistan
Manthokha Waterfall

Manthokha Waterfall is on every must-see guide I’ve seen for Skardu, so I visited with high expectations. Not to diss my travel guide friends, but I found the waterfall to be overhyped and touristy. There are just so many breathtaking, free, and isolated viewpoints in Skardu that paying to view a waterfall from behind a wire fence just isn’t comparable.

By all means, check out Manthokha Waterfall, but I owe it to my readers to tell you the truth, so in my opinion, don’t get your hopes up.

Kharpocho Fort

Kharpocho Fort is an ancient fort that is located on a hilltop in Skardu. You’ll be able to see the whole of Skardu from this incredible fort.

The fort sits beside the Indus River in Shigar Valley. You’ll be able to see how the ancient king and queen lived with their families in this well-preserved ancient palace.


If you’re looking for a less touristy more local experience, visit the village of Hussainabad. This quaint village located at the top of a mountain gives an amazing panoramic view of Skardu, the cold desert, and the surrounding mountains.

From Hussainabad, there are many treks and a waterfall to explore.

You can hike to the famous Marsur Rock, a trek taking 5 hours with a picture opportunity that’s not for the faint of heart.

There is also a small but beautiful waterfall, Hussainabad Waterfall, that’s on the road up to the village.

Khamosh Waterfall

Khamosh Waterfall is located in the Hamzigon village and is one of the highest altitude natural waterfalls in the region.

The water here is incredible because the stream falls from the overhung mountain onto the rock below, having no plunge pool. Watching the water splash on the rocks creates a magical, peaceful scene.

At this location you can camp, hike and fish for trout.

Local Food

Traditional glasses of the Balti people in Skardu, Pakistan

Skardu is known for its unique cuisine that is different from the traditional Pakistani dishes, due to its long history of being isolated from the rest of the continent. Some of the must-try dishes include:

Skardu Soup

A traditional soup of Skardu with walnuts

Skardu Soup is a traditional soup that is made with local ingredients like apricots, walnuts, and almonds. It’s a hearty and nutritious dish, more similar to oatmeal than soup, that is perfect for a cold winter day.


Chapshoro is a local meat-filled pastry that is cooked on a griddle. It’s a delicious snack perfect for munching on while exploring the town.


The traditional Balti snack Mamtu served at Zab Thung Restaurant in Skardu
Mamtu Dumplings from Zab Thung Restaurant in Skardu

Mamtu is a traditional dumpling filled with lamb or beef and vegetables, then wrapped in dough. They’re the perfect snack and a fan favorite of Skardu.


A traditional Balti dish of Harissa in Skardu
A delicious Harissa curry from Zab Thung Restaurant in Skardu

Harissa is a traditional meat dish cooked with a blend of traditional local spices. It’s a flavorful and spicy dish that is perfect for those who love to experiment with new flavors.

Best Restaurants in Skardu

There are many amazing restaurants serving Pakistani food and traditional Balti cuisine. I’ve included a list of my favorite places to eat whenever I’m in Skardu

  1. Hotel Summit and Restaurant: Located in the heart of the city center in Skardu, this restaurant and hotel are famous for hosting expedition teams summiting K2. They serve a variety of Balti and Pakistani cuisine, with good prices and great cooking.
  2. Zab Thung: Located in the city center of Skardu, this restaurant is a hipster hangout for backpackers, foreigners, and college students. The restaurant only serves traditional Balti cuisine and the dishes are incredible. I had the mamtu here and fell in love.
  3. One Season Restaurant: Located in Shigar Valley, this restaurant serves mostly traditional Pakistani cuisine. This restaurant is low-key, cheap, with a friendly staff, and is located alongside a beautiful river, so you’ll have dinner with a view. I ate here several times throughout my stay in Skardu, and the restaurant owners even let me camp inside after hours. Talk about Pakistan’s hospitality.
  4. Shangri-La Restaurant: If there’s ever a time to splurge, it’s on vacation and Shangri-La is worth the money. This restaurant is an upscale establishment located nearby Lower Kachura Lake outside of Skardu city center. They’re famous for their local caught bass fish.

Best Hotels in Skardu

I’ll speak from experience when recommending hotels in Skardu, and there are two hotels that gave excellent service for a great price.

  1. Hotel Summit and Restaurant: This hotel and restaurant are famous for hosting mountaineers before their summit of K2, so it has a great reputation as well as excellent service.
  2. Serene Baltistan Hotel: This hotel is a bit on the cheap side, but you’ll find excellent service and friendliness amongst the staff. I stayed here for two weeks for the price and the hospitality.
A group of friendly, hospitable hotel staff from Serene Baltistan Hotel with a foreign guest
A photo of me with the friendly staff of Serene Baltistan Hotel!