Giving you the best in trek, travel, and backpacking

Tag: hiking

  • Hiking vs Trekking: What are the Differences?

    Hiking vs Trekking: What are the Differences?

    Hiking vs Trekking: These two activities are used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Both hiking and trekking involve walking in natural environments, but what’s the difference? In this article, we’ll explore the difference between hiking and trekking to help you decide which is right for you. If you want to learn more about… Read more

  • Lycian Way Itinerary for the Best 3-Day Hike

    Lycian Way Itinerary for the Best 3-Day Hike
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    Are you planning on hiking a few days on the Lycian Way, but have no idea where to start? I have the best itinerary for hiking the Lycian Way on the internet, from Ovacik to Kabak-the easy itinerary. I’ve hiked multiple sections of the Lycian Way over the past 3 years, and I’ve fallen in… Read more

  • How to Hike the Lycian Way: The Best Guide on on the Internet (2023)

    How to Hike the Lycian Way: The Best Guide on on the Internet (2023)
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    Congratulations, you’ve decided you want to hike the Lycian Way in Turkey! This epic thru-hike is bound to creep up to your top spot on favorite hiking and outdoors experiences and that’s why I’ve put together the most comprehensive guide on how to hike the Lycian Way on the Internet. As of now, I’ve hiked… Read more

  • Lycian Way Itinerary for the Best 5-Day Hike

    Lycian Way Itinerary for the Best 5-Day Hike
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    Do you want to hike the Lycian Way but have no idea where to start? Here is the best itinerary for hiking the Lycian Way from Karaoz to Olympos. I have written two itineraries for the Lycian Way, an easy hike and a hard hike. This is the hard hike. If you’d like to read… Read more

  • Hiking from Ovacik to Faralya on the Lycian Way

    Hiking from Ovacik to Faralya on the Lycian Way

    The hiking route from Ovacik to Faralya on the Lycian Way is the official start point of the trail. Total Distance: 15km Check out my itinerary for this section here. Read about my experience hiking this section here. Ovacik: is the official starting point, close to Olundeniz(beach town of Fetihye) Faralya: is a small town… Read more

  • How to Use the App TrailSmart for the Lycian Way

    How to Use the App TrailSmart for the Lycian Way
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    If you’re planning to hike the Lycian Way, there’s no doubt about it, you need to download the app TrailSmart. Here is how to use the app TrailSmart for the Lycian Way. You can download it from the app store for free, but I do recommend whenever you plan to hike the Lycian Way buy… Read more

  • Hiking from Kalkan to Bezirgan on the Lycian Way

    Hiking from Kalkan to Bezirgan on the Lycian Way

    Total Distance: 10km This section of the Lycian Way is considered a difficult trek through the mountains. You will hike from the town of Kalkan to the town of Bezirgan. This section is poorly waymarked and has many overgrown prickly bushes, so it’s recommended to wear long pants. Due to the poor marking in this… Read more

  • My Experience on the Lycian Way

    My Experience on the Lycian Way
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    My experience on the Lycian Way was….. EPIC! As a lover of the outdoors and anything backpacking-I was shocked to discover Turkey has one of the best thru-hiking trails on the planet! I lived in Turkey for two years before I ever heard of this illusive trail. A couple of climbers tipped me off when… Read more

  • Hiking from Faralya to Kabak on the Lycian Way

    Hiking from Faralya to Kabak on the Lycian Way

    The hike from Faralya to Kabak on the Lycian Way is called the coastal route because it is an alternative route and not apart of the official Lycian Way. Read about my experience hiking this section here. Check out my itinerary for hiking in this section. I have only ever hike the coastal route as… Read more

  • Hiking Kayakoy to Oludeniz on the Lycian Way

    Hiking Kayakoy to Oludeniz on the Lycian Way

    The map of the Lycian Way from Fethiye to Antalya in Turkey Read more